
New Students:

  • Please click the Create Account button under New Students.
  • Complete and submit the form.
    • Note: You can select multiple services, such as camp, by pressing the drop-down menu again.

Returning Students:

  • Click on Returning Students.
  • Please log-in with your eLearning credentials. Parents should have received an email that contains their username and password.
  • Click Enroll for Next Year in the left menu.
  • Complete the form for returning students or register for an additional service.
    • Note: You can select multiple services, such as camp, by pressing the drop-down menu again.
  • To enroll another child, log-in to your parent account and change to your other child’s profile by pressing the drop-down selection at the top. From there, repeat the process.

If you have any questions, concerns, or issues with registering, including trouble logging-in, please contact our office at (985) 447-5994 or email

New Students

Returning Students